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Old 08-07-2015, 08:49 AM
  # 11 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 123
Originally Posted by Johno1967 View Post
In Australia, once upon a time being drunk was a mitigating factor. For example, you could tell the Magistrate, "Your honor I beat that fellow over a spilled drink because I was drunk and not in my right mind" and all was forgiven or at least it was heard. Not anymore.
I'd say there is a higher risk to get arrested for doing stupid things while drunk, getting arrested sober for stupid things, especially while working the steps? well....
On that in the States, do cops really arrest people for extremely minor offenses?

Yes, we get arrested for every little thing here in the US. America has 5% of the words total population and 25% of the worlds prisoners. Law enforcement and the judicial system here is designed to make money off of people and nothing else. The prison system is an industry as well. If you told a judge that you did something stupid because you were drunk they would likely give you a stiffer sentence. Our law enforcement officials and judicial system has been getting criticized heavily in recent times and a lot of it has to do with the war on drugs. However, it depends on where you are at in the US. Cops in large cities tend not to care about simple things like petty drug possession. However, possession of marijuana or drug paraphernalia can get some one a stint in jail in a rural area like where I live. Although, I am told that Canada is much more strict in the area of driving while intoxicated. A first offense DUI in Pennsylvania is only a misdemeanor and in most other states but I am told its the equivalent to a felony in Canada.
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