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Old 04-16-2015, 05:24 AM
  # 187 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: New York
Posts: 984
Ready, I'm with you on those stubborn pounds. I've managed to get a nice workout routine going, but I have been completely unable to eat healthy stuff. I went three months sober in 2007 and lost about 50 pounds. I don't need to lose that much weight now, but very discouraging that I've cut out the alcohol for over 50 days, but have only lost a few pounds.

Anyway, last few days have been brutal for me from a craving standpoint. I went to the Mets home opener and had zero desire to drink, surprisingly. It was a close game that ended 2-0 and I was just glued to my seat. However, I bumped into someone I hadn't seen in about two years and he was like "we need to catch up soon and grab beers!" I've been trading emails and working on a lunch meeting, where I'll have less desire to drink, but I can't lie and say that I haven't thought about just actually grabbing beers. It's really bothering me how much the social scene in NYC revolves around alcohol. It's just so easy to "meet up and grab beers" since nobody has to worry about driving and bars are a convenient spot to get together.

In addition to the guy from the game, a close friend of mine is changing jobs and moving out of New York City. He also suggested "grabbing beers" after his last day of work next week. I've agreed to go, but already have worked out my plan to say I'm on a diet and will be sticking to club soda. I know this is taking up a ton of my mental energy, but nobody I'm with will actually even care that I'm not drinking.
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