Old 04-12-2015, 08:41 PM
  # 27 (permalink)  
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Silicon Valley, CA
Posts: 2,066
This is timely for me as I have baby fever bad right now. My hormones are practically begging me for another baby.

I personally don't think it's the best idea but I will say that you will never ever regret having another child. I think most of the posters are coming from a place of their own upbringing rather than a place of being an actual parent. I have two children with my RAH (they are 3 years old and 1 year old) and while I may have at times regretted choosing RAH as my partner (I'm sure that's been a mutual feeling at times), I have never ever ever regretted my children. They are blessings. In personal life, having children is what life is about. They are the very best decisions that I have ever made. Period.

With that said, 35 is nothing. If you really do want to have another child a few things to consider first are taking care of yourself on a mental and emotional level, like attending therapy and al-anon for a year first. My last pregnancy was when my RAH was in crazy alcoholic mode and I didn't have his support and I needed it. I do not ever again want to go through a pregnancy without a supportive and sober spouse. That's torture and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Especially after having second c-section without a supportive spouse too.

Anyway, whether or not to have another child is a very personal decision and not something that a bunch of people on a forum should talk you out of if it's something that you really want. But with things as they currently stand in your household I would take a long time to think through your feelings surrounding a possible pregnancy, and I would talk those feelings out with a therapist and with friends at al-anon. That's my opinion. Take what you like and please leave the rest.
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