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Old 03-18-2015, 07:20 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2015
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Originally Posted by Hawks View Post
The human body is a marvellous mechanism.

Capable of enduring far more than we give credit for.

Nearly every major organ is capable of self regeneration, given enough time.

A therapist I used to see gave me some great advice.

She called it "tiger response " ie: the body is geared towards fight or flight...... Anxiety is a precursor to the actual fight or flight...... From something dangerous, like a tiger.

Are there any tigers nearby?

A genuine reason for anxiety?


Then the tiger is in your head..... Fear based anxiety, with no actual cause...... Just mental.

Occupy yourself as much as possible.

Try to keep your head where your hands are. Focus on the now.

Hope that helps
In agree with this completely. When I went through a particularly bad bender I had withdrawals that were horrible. The fear/anxiety/and panic attacks were crippling. Any noise would make me jump, any thought would make my heart race. Really bad. I had FORCE myself to consciously think that these fears etc...were completely irrational. They didn't exist except for what the alcohol did.
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