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Old 03-12-2015, 11:07 AM
  # 281 (permalink)  
RIP Maria
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: AR
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Hi everyone!

Let me report this before I forget it again! The school system had decided to take cursive writing out of the schools a couple years ago. That led to "students later down the road not knowing how to sign their name on a piece of paper!" Can we say: Some things need to be left alone? Ugh! So it's being brought back!

Jethro is the kind of person that always picks up after himself at the end of the day! It took us an hour to get everything cleaned up yesterday after we got done working in the yard! He turned the two little girls out for some outside time of their outside pens to roam the yard. I got their places inside the house ready for them to come back inside and then joined him outside to finish putting things away! There's been many a time his putting things up can get annoying! Especially when it comes to using the same thing every day! Like lawn chairs or extension cords! It comes to a guessing game for me each day around here. But I won't complain to him about it. I'm glad he's this way! The one big problem though? I never know where he might put something when he puts it up for the day. ARGH! The search is on! Which is taking up my time and the kids times outside! I don't DARE go ask him where he put something either! He'll come out and point to it - which is usually right in front of my face! Then he'll have something smart to say too! Just makes me want to SMACK the whiskers off his face! I usually get the; "You're a blonde! What do you expect, out of him!" I come right back with; "I can be purple if that's the bottle I choose off the shelf !" I'm a natural blonde though! LOL Thank God I'm not a ditzy blonde!

I'm happy to see your husband is finally able to relax and get back to doing things he enjoys! I'd love to snuggle with Jethro at times too! But I like sleep too! And there wouldn't be any sleep if I was in bed with Jethro at night! He peels the wallpaper off the walls with his snores! His snores are music to Maria's ears. It's alarm clocks for waking up to mine!

Blue: I'm a true female! Don't have the dangling parts to prove it! But I'm far from being the girlie kind! Jethro had sent my salon gal a text asking her to put curls in my hair because we were going out to eat! And oh the ringlets I had going down my back. LOL It was really pretty! My hair goes down to the middle of my back! She used this see thru foil stuff for the hi-lighting. It's long strips of foil with a clear center to the pieces so the salon person can see how a person's hair is coloring w/o having to unroll the foil! Always something new! I'm always in there for a long time! She colors my hair, washes it, dries it and then puts the hi-lighting on. Then she washes it, dries it and does the little bit of trimming. I hardly ever make an appointment. I call and ask if she can fit me in? It's either a yes or no. She calls me her battery charger! LOL I come to see her about every seven to eight weeks! We laugh so much when I'm there she gets her battery recharged! I still had all those curls while I was working in the yard too! LOL

PCCharley: I can well imagine you thinking I had short hair! Considering I used to be in the Army! I've had short and long hair while wearing the Army uniform! With the long hair I'd have to pull it all on top of my head. Then I'd braid the length, fold the braid in two folds and clip it down in the back. There's not supposed to be any hair below a soldiers collar! And I had to be able to get the cap on my head too!

We got lot's of yard work done yesterday! Even after cleaning the gum balls up in the backyard I laid the pile of rocks down in the little flower garden/chicken pen area! I took some pictures! I'll post them on the AP thread! It felt really good to get all that done yesterday! We also had some good tunes jamming while we worked. That always helps!

Blue: I am the future YOU! Ummmmmmm NO! YES!

I've talked to mom a bunch about getting her the newer electronic things! She keeps saying NO! Jethro has a sister that lives close to us! There is no relationship there though! I have a sister that lives close to mom and the other an hour away! My SD is about 45 minutes away from us. My daughter is in MD with her own family! Jethro's mom and Step dad aren't that far away either. No relationship with his mother and his Step dad is too old to do much anymore! Jethro's actually got family all over the place!

Okay! It's pouring rain and I need to get out of this chair!

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