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Old 01-23-2015, 01:35 AM
  # 24 (permalink)  
MythOfSisyphus's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2012
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I wish you well, Mentium! I think your plan is sound, and maybe some kind of therapy is in order. Personally I will echo what Carl said- it sounds like you might not be totally committed to quitting, deep down. A short story is in order; back in my mid-20's right after my divorce I got scared enough by the consequences of my drinking that I decided I had to stop "for awhile". IIRC I actually went three or four months without drinking. And things got better. But I can plainly see that I had no real intention to quit forever, just "til I got it under control". Of course, when I did start it only took a few months til I was drinking considerably harder than I had when I decided to take a break.

I'm not sure how long it takes for sobriety to "take" or become a habit. I've heard anecdotal stories of people that relapsed after decades of sobriety! Those tales are really demoralizing to me, or at least they used to be. But I'm not worried about being one of those folks. And I think you can get to the point where you're permanently done drinking, too.

Hang in there! It's a cliche but you just have to be willing to get up one more time than you fall.
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