Old 01-02-2015, 08:50 PM
  # 10 (permalink)  
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: New England
Posts: 1,926
For me, I found a sponsor that has "what I want" and that I felt safe talking to. The only job of a sponsor is to guide you through the 12 steps. They are not counselors, friends, punching bags, marriage counselors etc and just because we have one doesn't mean we will stay sober. Trust me...I actually thought that was the case at one point. I thought that my sponsor would keep me sober and when I drank again I would fire them! Lol. That was before my first sobriety date in 2008. Crazy! Haha

Anyway...the 12 steps really helped me. They really helped me get to know myself, why I drank, what triggers me, to get rid of anger and resentments, find peace and happiness etc etc.

Maybe look for a sponsor that is really knowledgable about the steps. You can kind of "interview" that person to see if you guys "click". Tell them you want to get through the steps as soon as possible. Once you get through all 12 steps the promises come true (they really do) and you can decide what you want to do about continuing AA at that point.

People used to say "don't quit before the miracle happens". I got my miracle at about a year sober. I was the happiest I had ever been for several years. So happy that I stopped going to meetings, checking SR etc and drank again! :-( That will NOT happen again. Not making that mistake again...

Anyway...I'm almost one month sober again and feel good about my commitment to sobriety and my life!

Good luck! Maybe just take things one day at a time. You don't have to make any final decisions about anything right now. Keep it simple, try not to over-think things and just don't drink no matter what!

Congrats on 30 days!
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