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Old 11-21-2014, 08:02 AM
  # 51 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Aug 2014
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Wow, Clean, that's kind of creepy! I believe in psychics, but I also believe there are few very true ones. I once went to see Sylvia Browne, when she did a talk in our city. Didn't get a reading, but I wasn't so sure she knew what she was talking about. But there are some true ones I think, and since it hit so close with such specificity ... very cool. And I believe our loved ones that have passed over are always with us. I know my Dad is, even though he has never done anything to make himself known like I hear some loved ones do. I often talk to him, especially about H, since they were very close. My dad loved H like his own son.

Butter, how would I describe a crush? Hmm. You mean, how do you describe when you have a crush? My heart would beat faster, I would feel short of breath around him, I'd think about him a lot, and of course analyze every word and look from him lol. It's been a long time since I've had a crush on anyone lol

Happy birthday to your mom. I'm sorry you can't be there with her, but you can celebrate with her soon! In my family, we always say the special day is whenever you make it. We've even had Christmas in Feb before, because that's when we could be together. So tell your mom she will have a proper birthday celebration with you when you go home to visit in 1 month and 2 days and counting ... !

Blue, a carrot cake sounds delicious. Even I was able to make one, you'll do fine! And now I'm hungry! LOL
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