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Old 10-20-2014, 07:31 AM
  # 19 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 5,229
Oak, in the 7 years since I quit I have thought about it many times. It has only ever been a passing thought tho, it has never been to the level of obsession as it was in my drinking days. If it ever got to those levels I would want to figure out what was going on.
What spooks me is I know how I am. Just one sip and it would be just as bad as it was. Its like when I smoke a cigarette after quiting for a while. THat one cigarette well its only sorta ok. Once I put it out I think nah I dont need to do that stuff. a couple hours will go by and the cravings start to kick. if not then by the next day I'll be smoking again and justifying more and more of them. Booze would be much the same way for me. I think if I had one beer I'd probably love it and hate it all at the same time. I could probably put it down and say nah thats not for me anymore. But I bet within a couple hours or by the following evening i'd buy at the very least a 6 pack telling myself I'm only gonna have half of one maybe then i'd simply polish them off and be angry i didnt buy a case and surely the following evebing I'd be buyen that case.

I know myself too well I know what i'd do and it scares me. So I just dont bother drinking.
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