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Old 10-12-2014, 04:38 PM
  # 7 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Sep 2014
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Before you read my response, know that I am an alcoholic and am not just "harping" on someone who wants a couple drinks... (thank you for understanding!)

I ask because I took my husband to the ER back in June because he was throwing up blood. He survived that day, but was on life support for three weeks before he woke up. The doctor told me the day of the emergency that he banded four varices in my husband's esophagus. My husband checked himself out of the hospital 48 hours after waking up from his coma. He stayed sober for about two months, announced he was not an alcoholic and is drinking again. He does not drink in front of me. However, I know he is drinking when he goes out of town and I suspect he sips on something when he's home. I have not found any proof yet, but he did tell his sister (in confidence) that he "has a glass of wine, on occasion, with dinner". By the way, that is what he told the ER doctors too, which is B.S. I have filed for a legal separation and he's moving out of town soon.

He never went to his 90 day follow up appointment so "we" have NO idea where he stands with his liver disease. From all of his symptoms that I know and what I can physically see in him, he has to have cirrhosis...and everything points to him being dead in the near future. However, he is functioning and getting around ok. He is just getting on with his life. I feel he's going to die, but then I wonder if I am being overly paranoid and he will just go on his merry way and be just fine.

Thoughts?? Does anyone know how the other person looked before they eventually died? Did they seem like they would be ok? Am I making sense?
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