Old 09-07-2014, 10:46 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2014
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Originally Posted by Dee74 View Post
A lot of us have to deal with taking meds for the rest of our life Jeremy.

Try not to think of it as a failure or something that has to be endured, but something that helps us with our quality of life.

I am on meds (for ADHD caused by a brain injury), and I will be on them the rest of my life. My brain just can't wake up without them and my disorganization and inability to concentrate makes life that much more difficult. And I was Dx late and my husband brings me my meds in the morning because he knows how important they are. It is so hard for me to wake up otherwise. A doctor said to me, you never really wake up from a coma, which is true. I need my medication to be a normal person.

I also wanted to say, my mom used to say the problem with meds is that people start to feel better and go off them. My cousin used to do that all the time because she is bi-polar and she would go manic and feel like a million bucks and to heck with these meds...then she would crash and it would be bad because she wasn't on meds.

Don't stop your meds unless a doctor says it's okay. Just take them.
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