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Old 08-26-2014, 02:35 PM
  # 107 (permalink)  
Join Date: Oct 2012
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Not to mention my teens yelling at me that I should dress differently or complaining about my terrible accent or not having washed their bike clothes...

Stella, yes, it is SO nice. And escapist. Each day MG 2 writes something to me that is so lovely, clever, thoughtful and the time we spent together was so romantic, and planning this next time away together is dreamy.

Often he writes during his morning, which is my middle of the night. When I used to never be able to sleep because of the terrible worries. But now he writes me something and I can read his words and peacefully go back to sleep (!) or occasionally write back and I am not alone at 3am anymore.

And I love that he is far, far away in a world I may never experience where I don't have to deal with his actual person needing clean socks or help finding car keys or reminders to pick up the kids from soccer at 4:30. Or worrying that he is having an affair or drinking in the garage or up all night finding hook-ups on internet dating sites...i already know he is having an affair and maybe others and for this very particular moment I don't care. He actually told me he is married which is a little bit of honesty and like gold to me who lived with not only a cheat - but a lying, manipulating, abusive and scary, addicted cheat. Who usually seemed like the nicest guy in the whole world.
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