Thread: Moderation?
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Old 07-15-2014, 07:25 AM
  # 44 (permalink)  
Join Date: Dec 2010
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Originally Posted by GerandTwine View Post
So, the question is, what does "mean it" really mean here?

The clarity and simplicity of "I will never drink again" is really enough for me. As soon as people start adding "...and I will never change my mind." I start thinking about "...and I will never change my mind to never change my mind.", etc., ad infinitum.
I never "meant it" before, is what it meant. Meaning, I never "took a stand" against my drinking before. I remember lots of "trying" but never a declaration of intent.

I tend to say what I mean, and I mean what I say. I have always been stubborn and will set out to prove someone wrong if they say something about me that is untrue. My husband and I always demonstrated "collective Beast" behavior, and his Beast did not like it one bit when I quit. But it mattered in the least what his Beast wanted, once I had made up my mind.

So perhaps, ".... and I will never change my mind" is added reinforcement, but it is a promise I made/make to myself and no one else.
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