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Old 06-23-2014, 10:35 AM
  # 10 (permalink)  
aasharon90's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Baton Rouge, La.
Posts: 15,268
The phrase or wording I heard in early recovery
where it suggested don't think, don't drink and
go to meetings was something I didn't really
understand, but eventually made sense the longer
I remained sober.

I was always trying to analyze this and that
about how a recovery program worked for
this alcoholic. The more I tried to make sense
of it all the more frustrated and confused I got.

It was suggested to not think about it, not try
to figure it all out but rather listen and follow
direction and suggestions from members who
learned to remain sober a day at a time for as
long as they had.

I am one like many who would try hard to
make a round peg into a square hole, so to
speak, and it never fit. If they handed me
a square peg representing a program of
recovery to fit in a square hole then slowly
it will fit just right with no struggles.

I guess for a long time I wanted to work
a program of recovery my way and my
will/way never worked the way it was suppose
to work.

They suggested to keep it simple and stop
struggling then I became more willing to
work a program of recovery just the way
is was written for us to work like it has for
many others.

I keep an open mind and if following a few
steps in a recovery program can and will
keep me from drinking or killing myself then
im all for it because I can surely complicate
the simplest things in life.

Today there are many programs available
to those with addictions and if one doesn't
suit you, keep trying till you find one that

It will only work if we are willing to work
it. Doing the footwork. It's more than just
not drinking to remain sober, because I tried
too many times to just quit for the cravings,
temptations to come back more powerful than

I had to learn how to work thru lifes problems
incorperating tools and knowledge of my addiction
to help me not drink when lifes situations coming
knocking on my door.

For example....if someone pizzes me off, am I
gonna run quickly to get a drink to numb my
resentment I have towards this person, or will
I find out why this person is pushing my buttons,
and how can I find a solution to calm myself
and return to a peaceful, healthy state to continue
on my recovery path.
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