Old 06-14-2014, 05:26 AM
  # 53 (permalink)  
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RO , i absolutely know where you are coming from re this question as i have been contemplating the exact same thing of late .

One of the girls at work asked why i never go to any of the send offs and functions we have . I just laughed it off and said I'm a hermit . I feel that you think at 18 months sobriety you think its time for you to give it a go and reconnect with workmates and get out of your lull.

You and only you are the only one who can really answer this .i go to a pub every Wednesday night for a counter meal and 5 scrabble games .I'm confident enough in my sobriety to decline drinks , even when they have been bought for me . I just know I'm confident enough not to drink .

Can you honestly say you are ? If you hesitate even for a second or have a flash of having a drink or romanticise it even momentarily , then noooooo .

My immediate response was to say NO! but i thought about it . Pub crawl sounds like a big booze up and that's the sole purpose for them but you seemed to have rationalised it by only staying a while and at one place .

If you feel like you are ready , give it a try . If you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable , leave .

I could think of nothing worse than being the only sober one around drunks . Ironic hey !

Maybe it is your time if you are confident enough good luck , i know you missed this one but only you can decide this and only the day can decide it , cos we know as alcoholics , what we say we are going to do one day with conviction , could be totally the opposite to the way you feel on the day of the event.

Hugs xxx :-)
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