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Old 05-26-2014, 12:24 AM
  # 238 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 2,804
Good morning everyone,

Obosob, thank you for you screenplay, it was so funny, waking up to laughter is definitely the best way to start the day. It'll be be in my evenings gratitude list later.

MrsB, you must feel great about achieving those results in the garden. It looks lovely. Hope you get plenty of time to enjoy it.

Izzy, congratulations on achieving your goal as well. Starting a B&B, that's exciting, and I would imagine quite a challenge. Wow.

Lucrezia, it's great to hear that you've put some strategies in place, like joining a sobriety group. You sound much more focused on your healthy future. Well done you.

Solli, glad to hear you were able to have some quiet time. Hope you were able to 're-energise.

ST, how are you doing?

It's a holiday day here in England too, so hoping to get out for a walk later. Definitely no chance of ruining my free time by numbing myself with alcohol. Nope, I'm going to enjoy the day and know that I'm enjoying the day.

Hope those of you who are sleeping, sleep well and wake up refreshed. Those of us who are awake, have a great day, one step closer to whatever goal it is we're aiming for. Even if it seems difficult or even hopeless, today could make all the difference.

I'll hop back on the bus later.
(Dee, I thought you were driving the bus as well as piloting Obosobs aeroplane, I never trust satnavs, and you're the only one who knows the route!)

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