Old 05-20-2014, 09:20 PM
  # 17 (permalink)  
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Arizona
Posts: 14
Happy to say that I'm finishing out Day 2 sober! And it has been a good day too.

I wanted to thank everyone for their support and replies. Each and every reply has helpful things to say. I can see why this is such a great forum.

One of them that I want to highlight is:

Originally Posted by Sasha4 View Post
Yep some of the world revolves around alcohol but not my world any longer.

I love the reaction when I say I don't drink and have not had a drink for 2 years.

It ranges from 'Oh my god you don't drink?' to 'There is no way I could do that"

I like the OMG ones best personally!

I like to add that I am not chopping up live kittens or pulling spiders legs off for fun, smuggling people, not making rare breeds extinct or planning to over throw the British Monarchy.

I am just not having an alcoholic drink.
Its nothing to be concerned about. Everyone needs to calm down and breathe deep.
I just prefer diet coke.

But thats just me and the people in my world.
The first two times I had lengthy bouts of sobriety, I would get similar reactions. But really, in all logic, you have said it well Sasha4. Bottom line, a person who is out with people and doesn't choose to have an alcoholic drink is simply doing just that - not having an alcoholic drink! What the heck does it really matter to anyone. Liquid in a glass is just that: liquid in a glass. When a bunch of people are at a party and standing around, why is it so important that everyone have a glass of liquid in their hand? Just because a certain kind happens to have a destructive psychoactive chemical in it, and another doesn't, it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things (aside to the person who has a problem with alcohol - it certainly does matter in the effort to stay sober).

But when it comes to people's reactions to someone saying they just don't drink alcoholic beverages, it really shouldn't be a big deal to the person asking that question. Really, take a deep breath and move on! Not everyone has to drink alcohol, and just because someone doesn't, that shouldn't really matter or be relevant to two human beings just hanging out talking, and nor should it really be anyone's business anyways the reasons why. If someone likes Pepsi and the other Sprite, there's certainly not going to be the same kind of debate happening...
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