Old 05-07-2014, 06:22 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Central America/Florida USA
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Code job: yep, took that photo last autumn and it turned out to be a pretty cool long-exposure shot. Link to full image here: http://picsurge.com/g/BPKC1U

Doctor appt: I did it!

Right before I left, I met with my landlord - I've been working on a possible move and I needed to talk to him about my current lease. The discussion couldn't have been better and I got some real flexible options. Part of my reasons for anxiety lately have surrounded this issue so it was a great springboard to take care of that before my appointment.

I spent 1 hour in the waiting room (boo) but I did get seen. The doctor was kind, and I have been prescribed a low-level SNRI, something I have experience with as I took a similar prescription a few years ago. I dislike the known side effects - which mainly take place "below the belt" if you catch my drift - but it's an option and I can start tomorrow. I also have a follow up appointment with a therapist in 2 weeks, as well as another follow up with this GP at the end of the month.

I was honest about using alcohol to cope with anxiety in the past, and the doctor agreed that benzos or addictive drugs should be off the table. I accept that 100%.

Things are going well at work, and the meeting with my landlord and the dr. appointment today have left me feeling very powerful and happy. So good, in fact, that I'm actually wondering if I should even start down this road with my new prescription...I'm guessing though, I should give this a shot. Right?
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