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Old 02-13-2014, 01:39 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2013
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Yeah, it's sad to see someone struggling like that. If I know the person, and it would be within the scope of our relationship, I might ask how they are doing. They might open up. I have no problem admitting my own struggles if it will help someone else. But I know when I was in that person's position, I was not likely to take anyone's advice or help. It's also possible that this person's depression is just seriously in overdrive. Depression messes with a person's circadian cycle (sleep/awake). So it is entirely possible that the depression starts to let up in the afternoon. That is actually very common. For me, mornings, evenings, and night time are the worst. I can usually function pretty normally in the afternoons. It's almost like a "second-wind" when you're exhausted.
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