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Old 01-23-2014, 01:40 AM
  # 29 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Floripa
Posts: 121
I have more. When I was in first and second year Uni I found some friends who all agreed that the lecture courses were boring and too easy. So we would challenge ourselves by going to the pub instead of the lectures and drinking all our government study money and then one week before exams harrass some student to allow us to photocopy all their lecture notes and then over the 24 hours before the exam without sleep try an cram the entire course into our heads in 24 hours.
I would always get somewhere between 40-58 for the test. My friends 80-90.
I started to worship my friends until one day I looked through all the notes of one of them while he had gone to the toilet and saw that in fact he was studying the whole time. I started to see what cheapness and liars most people are and also thinking what a fool I am. But I never went over to their side. The reaction became a personal journey between me and Christ. Things started to change a bit when I was 35 and some Jehovah Witnesses came to my house and at least they imparted with me one thing I had never known about the Bible that explained that the world was ruled by Satan, that God had given the world to Satan to let Satan make a fool of himself in front of all the other angels that he thinks God does not know how mankind and the Universe should be governed, that men should have free chioce, should not be naive like animals.
And still I kept drinking because the Jehovah Witnesses were too clanny, to cultish, lovely people but the Red Flag for me was that they were governed all very strictly from a headquarters in New York.

So, I walking alone then in the world. I have made sure one thing is I never lied to anyone, never. I know most people would not believe that. Yes I have lied to men in dangerous situations like if they ask me if I am alone in Brasil or if I have family in Brasil I lie to them and tell them my brother lives in Brasil married to a rich powerful family....And you can lie to a tiger too and show him you are not in fear with your body language. You can lie to a Great White in the surf if he nudges you you must chase him because is the psychology of him he nudge you because he was not sure if you were an easy target and if you chase him after then he get scared you have some secret he doesnt know about.
Yes you lie and these are the true examples of the White Lie. But to get something out of someone that they should not give me without my lie, to make a fool of someone without them knowing it, to laugh on a man for being less intelligent or naive, this I have never done. To look down on another person, this I have never done for one second, not for one millisecond. I am Christian 100% I am trying to be man of Christ.

To the atheists who pretend he does not believe in a creator. Yes the same thing I say to them there is no such thing as an atheist in a fox hole.
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