Thread: Tired ...
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Old 01-02-2014, 12:32 AM
  # 4 (permalink)  
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 126
Hi, I could have written a very similar story to yours. Im going thru the EXACT same thing, I really don't care, Ive started to realise the 3 c's as they talk of above. So for the past week I have not mentioned a thing about his beer drinking, no comments you need that now? come have dinner with us don't drink now, why are you bringing beer etc etc...Ive totally shut up and my eyes have been open pretty wide on how pathetic the whole thing is and how much he drinks, today on the way home from a trip out with kids he stopped and bought a box and opened one straight away in the car (could he not wait half hour till we get home?!) any way got home at 2pm and drunk till about 830pm - what a dick, im tired too so so tired of it. do you have kids? does anyone else know your concerns? for the first time ever ive told my family about what I think and feel - it felt bloody good for years I didn't want them to think he is a bad guy because he too is a really great guy. I was gutted someone told me 'don't you think alcoholic' is a bit harsh? I don't know maybe he is a heavy drinker...I don't know sounds like you don't either...but someone said on here to me we don't have to diagnose them, at the end of day drink is causing problems. have a read of my thread "advice maybe?" see if you can relate.
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