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Old 12-02-2013, 02:16 PM
  # 195 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Texas
Posts: 311
There have been some great posts lately. I have read them all and let them sink in. I'm feeling like maybe drinking is not the best idea. I knew it all along, but it seems it takes making people aware of our intentions and having them tell us things we already know to make us change our minds. That's messed up! !
I know if I drink I'll do something stupid. It may not happen the first time, but it will happen.

This is really difficult because there are some parties coming up soon. My husband's company party is Saturday night. That's no big deal. It's the parties my friends are throwing that are going to get to me. So many of the people that will be there are my friends who I drank with. One of the parties is being thrown by a lady who, up until lately, was my best friend. Now I never see her or hear from her. I like to think it's because I changed grade levels and we don't work with each other anymore, but truly I don't think that's why. Oh well...

Anyway. ..even though I'm fighting it right now.....sobriety is winning...
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