Thread: I am a fake
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Old 07-31-2013, 09:05 AM
  # 39 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 43

You said nothing bad has happened because of your use. Well, I am on pain mgmt and I am addicted to my pain medication, and over the last year I have gradually used more and more of my pain meds. Nothing bad has happened to me, other than the fact that each month I ran out of my monthly supply sooner than what I am supposed to and the rest of the month I am left in horrible pain. Also, I was consumed with guilt and shame because of my over usage and I was lying to my husband every month. But I kept telling myself nothing bad was going to happen. I wasn't worried my husband was going to leave me, and when I told him of my over usage he immediately tried to help me by locking up my meds and controlling them for me and I am now happy to say that I have it under control again, thanks to him, the support I have found on here from everyone, the friends I have made on here, and also a lot of hard work and determination on my part...but here is my point:

You say nothing bad could happen, I said nothing bad could is one bad thing that can happen that we always push out of our minds, that we never want to think about...WE COULD DIE! What if one day/night, (in your case you drink and use opiates) you mix too much together and you just stop breathing, or what if I had taken too many pills one day (on some days I took 10-15 pills in one day) and I just stopped breathing. What if my husband had come home from work or my son came home from school and found me dead on the floor, or my husband woke up one morning and his wife was dead beside him in our bed? Imagine how that would shatter their lives, not to mention how they would have to live with that image in their heads for the rest of their lives...especially our children. So, you see, there is something bad that could happen. Or, what if you are driving like that, and you kill an innocent family? Could you live with that guilt? Or would you drown yourself in even more pills, drugs, and drink? Just creating a more viscous cycle that will eventually kill you, your marriage, your life?

You have a lot to lose, and in my experience, people who abuse alcohol and drugs are usually trying to hide from something, trying to forget maybe you need to figure out what that something is, fix it, and throw everything else away and start your life over again so you can enjoy your baby and your wife.

I really wish you the best of luck, and I hope you keep coming back, you couldn't have found a better group of people to help you through.
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