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Old 07-15-2013, 09:22 PM
  # 52 (permalink)  
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I have to fight the urge to not jump up to "fix" whatever thing is making her unhappy. I know- pathetic. But there it is.
Thank you for sharing that Carrots, I am in the same boat, rowing in circles.
I have just starting to look to the shore and get my bearings.
I do not believe it is pathetic, just some bad advice we took one time,
(or grew up with no idea how to parent)
and do not know another way.


I eventually called the cops on my daughter, and it started our journey to recovery.
Still working it.



I have played that same chess game with my own son. He was always 3-10 moves ahead of me. He knew my love would allow him to play me and that he did. I still love him very much, I just had to stop the game for me and him.
this was my experience with my son too. It went on for about 8 months the first time, and less than 4 months the second time. No more living with me. His word to follow the rules lasted about as long as he could
get a couple of bottles of beer. I wanted so badly to believe him I became functionally blind!
Denial in NOT just a river in Egypt.

Pravchaw, how many people do you know who keep bottles of booze in the
nightstand drawer? How many have empties in their bedrooms at all?

I know what it is like where you are, you are right there pravchaw, right on
the edge.
It's okay to let go now, surrender to the idea you have no control.
Your son is an addict and you have no control.
You only control you and your boundaries.

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