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Old 06-30-2013, 01:59 AM
  # 144 (permalink)  
Living and Loving Life at Last
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Join Date: Aug 2012
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SJD great to hear from you, even though you broke the no apologising rule!!! 😄
I have had drinking dreams, nothing like you have by the sounds of it, but to me it seems like straightforward anxiety. Although we are able to control our thoughts and feeling when we are conscious, unconscious, our fears can take control. I feel perhaps you have an -all to natural- fear of descending back into being an incapable drunk. You have 104 days of sobriety (yay that sweetie!!) and are fearful of losing that. Perhaps if you consider the very worst scenario, you drink and have to start back at day one, and remind yourself of the strength you have, you can reassure your subconscious that, not only will you not drink, but that even if you did you would get back to where you are. Try and relax, remind yourself frequently about how happy you are sober and perhaps the fears will ease. I gave up smoking 30 years ago; I still dream sometimes I have smoked. I fully expect to have drinking dreams from time to time, but will decide to wake relieved its a dream. Just a thought, perhaps there is some guilt mixed in there at the states you used to get in???
That will be $450 for the totally unprofessional psychobabble!! X
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