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Old 06-23-2013, 11:50 AM
  # 300 (permalink)  
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Well done on 5 months INH!

God you sound just like me. I am procrastinator extraordinaire and still have boxes to unpack after moving 4 years ago. Sometimes I feel like SR doesn't help but then I think its more useful for my mental health to be here than cleaning up. I still haven't got to any useful information in that book I am reading, just stuff about being impulsive and I am seeing how that relates to practically everything I do, that I will do the thing that see's results quicker. On the other side of that though I am actually a very patient person. I have to be really to do my job. And to teach too. INH, if anything will teach you patience to that will! Especially maths. One of my pupils is a maths teacher and it's really funny because he has a really hard time learning music. I always say I can't see what the problem is as all you have to do is count up to 4 It's hard work sometimes but very rewarding. I am sure you'll be a great help to this guy x

I had a 'touch of how I used to feel on a regular basis' today too. I have been letting myself get worked up about stuff. I still have the ability to go up and down in great big dramatic swoops. I am not sure it is something that ever goes away entirely (we need someone with more sobriety to let us know that!) but I know I am able to cope with it better now and have much more ability to be rational. It escapes me sometimes, but usually not for long. I understand how you feel about this girl contacting you. It sounds like you have been beating yourself up too much though. Even though you felt really bad because of your drinking that wasn't reflected in how others saw you. I think that counts for something x

Thanks for checking in. It would be nice to hear from Nicky too... How you doing?
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