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Old 06-16-2013, 08:37 AM
  # 11 (permalink)  
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well, i knew the guy from my previous meeting. and being much as you describe (as far as doing lots of research and lots more and lots more of anything except just getting out there and ACTING on it), it was his push that made me get up and out.

after we found the place, his job was to make the flyer/poster, and i volunteered to do the distributing. i did it because i knew i didn't want to , knowing i'd "expose" myself, as in all the libraries and community centres i put it up, i first had to go to reception and get permission. sometimes i had to wait and see some director-type person, or administrator, and explain what the group was about, as they wanted info about what gets advertised on their boards. i also went to some health centres and posted.

M had put his cellphone # on the flyer, and there never were any crank calls. not once.
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