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Old 05-08-2013, 07:15 AM
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Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 4
I don't even know if he made it....

My BF alcoholism has been at its worst over the past two months. I thought his rock bottom, according to him, was spending the night in the ER 5 weeks ago and not being able to leave because he said he would hurt himself. BAC was six times the legal limit. He wanted to go to the ER btw.

Its torture to see him uber drunk. But that isnt the only problem he's been lying about where he has been.

I dont think he has been more than 50% sober since maybe Friday night. Ive lost count of the "im done with drinking, Im tired, I just want to be happy" speechs. He said he wants help. He doesnt like taking meds, insurance is iffy so he has tried to taper off. Never works.

Monday he tells me im not affectionate enough, thats a big issue and he doesnt see why thats so hard.

Yesterday before work I send him two local rehab numbers and forward him an email about counseling. Now ive taken all the cash out my place so he doesnt buy anything. This man uses nickels and pennies I had in a bag to go buy alcohol. He has done some other ridiculous stuff in the name of alcohol.

He did have setup an appt with one of the places I left him a number with.

Last night was awful. He calls me bothersome and stiffling. We argue. Then he said his brother is coming to get him and take him to treatment in the morning. Lie. He called a female ex-coworker who he had/has been lying to me about to come get him.

I lose it. I tell him he can take all his stuff and go. Ive had it. He cant really take a his stuff cause its alot but he gets some stuff in a duffle bag and his laptop. We go back and forth via text. He says I kicked him out and Im controlling I say he left willing. Its not only the drinking, its the lying.

Now Im half hopeless/half pissed/kinda worried/somewhat angry because I dont even know if he went and if he did go she took him, will it be inpatiant, outpatient, what the heck. His old coworker actually works where he was checking in. I text him and he said he is out of office but my BF hadnt showed up yet.

He has no money,no transport, quit his job but has an interview on Friday. His last text to me was "its needed, im scared, but ill go".

This is longer than I anticipated but idk if I should can his stuff and move on or sit on my hands and wait it out for an outcome.

Eta: another thing that confuses me is his support system or lack of one. He has a brother in the city who knows he is having issues. Not a call or text. Mom? Nope. Dad? Nope. Best friend? Nope. How can people not call to check when you know what is going on. Grrr
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