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Old 04-28-2013, 02:47 PM
  # 70 (permalink)  
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: London, England
Posts: 724
Well, today I've done a bit of digging, potted a few chillis, watered some of the stuff that I've potted up over the last few days, done a bit of weeding around the onions, and put a couple more stones around the compost bin to hold it down. So, all in all, a productive day, despite the lack of sleep.

I went to a meeting tonight, not one of my usual ones, indeed, I don't normally do a meeting on Sunday, but I'm looking for a chair for the meeting on Tuesday. I've got a few lined up for the coming weeks, but... Oh well, I've handed it over, and I'm sure that I'll find someone.

Jeni - I know what you mean about meltdowns. I managed to get the time of the appointment wrong, because the card was a bit sloppily written, not that the receptionist would admit it. The thought that I'd have to wait even longer for the result really freaked me out. I'd known I was scared, but I didn't realise how scared until I set off.
The truth is, I was more scared of having to tell people if it was bad news than I was of getting bad news. Because I worried what people would think of me. Or perhaps I should say, I was worried that I'd find out what people thought of me.
Hope your lead share goes well tomorrow. I remember my first chair, and how I had about 12 hours notice. On one hand, it was good because I didn't have much time to worry about it. On the other... The first time is always scary, from what I hear. I've done a couple more since then, both times I was asked when I got to the meeting.
I suppose the main thing is to not worry about what you're going to say. I know that I never quite say what I'd planned, and that I tend to forget bits, but that's life. Just be honest, say what's on your mind, and remember that after the first few minutes, it's not quite so bad.

soberjanedoe - I really like your sig. It's something I need to remember, because sometimes I tell myself that I can't get what I want to do what I want to do. Maybe I can't, but if I don't try, then it's a whole lot harder. As someone said, if you want to win the lottery, first you have to buy a ticket. And if I really want to get published, then I have to put the effort into finding an agent, rather than moaning about how I don't stand a chance to begin with.

Saskia - hope the operation goes well, and well done for sticking with the diet. Thanks for your wise words to Jeni too.

FP - glad I could be of help. When I heard the step 9 promises tonight, it really meant something. Not just the bit about finding a new happiness and a new peace, but the whole thing, especially the part about 'no matter how far down we have gone, our experience can benefit others.
I'm not sure if I'll meet up with my old friend any time soon, but It'd be good to catch up on old times, and maybe he'll find the answers he needs. I hope so.

Aviva - congrats on 11 months.

Anyway, I need to try and have an earlier night tonight. Being up till 3am is not healthy, and a good nights sleep will do me the world of good. Today is nearly over, and with it's passing, it will take its problems. Tomorrow, well, that can wait for now. It'll be here soon enough.
Good night everyone, and sleep well. And may tomorrow be a good day.
Love and Hugs to you all. And may your higher power go with you. x x
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