Thread: Epic FAIL
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Old 04-07-2013, 12:51 PM
  # 26 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by MeSoSober View Post
Warrenton is lovely -- I've done a fair amount of shopping at Horse Country Saddlery
My first visit to Warrenton was while I was in college: I did some research at the EPA the day President Reagan got shot. The last time I was in Warrenton was a few years ago, and it was a drunken near-disaster. We were driving from Abingdon to DC to catch the overnight train to Boston, and the interstate was closed near Warrenton, delaying us about three hours. Then I got lost in Washington, but we somehow ended up at Union Station, and I still was lost due to construction, I literally drove through a hole in a fence and suddenly found myself at the rental-car return area. Then, I flipped out at the ticket counter and ran to the train, deserting my wife; who hobbled to the train and was met by the conductor, who said "Don't worry, you have a whole minute..." Life is chaotic like that if you're drinking even when you're not drinking.
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