Thread: Epic FAIL
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Old 04-07-2013, 11:17 AM
  # 23 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by bigsombrero View Post
Thank you for sharing this. I NEARLY did this right around the same time frame, I had gotten out of treatment after 23 days, spent a couple weeks with family. DAMN NEAR almost bought a bottle on the walk home from the train stop after I was finally getting settled back in my APT. I totally understand where you were at, it's a mind-bender.

The good part is you have proven you can do this. No shame in starting over - the tragedy would be if you didn't try again. You owe it to yourself to keep at it. Good luck!
Thank you so much. And lest anyone get the wrong idea, I am blessed with wonderful parents and had a really pleasant visit. But coming home sort of gives me a "coming down" feeling -- something about making the transition back to "normal life." And like I said, I don't think I'm doing myself any favors by timing my return in the evenings when it's easier to write off what's left of the day and what the hell, consume of tumbler or three of vodka. (eyeroll)

I know it's the nature of the beast, but I feel like such a complete idiot. Thank you so much for your words of support! This is such a great group.
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