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Old 04-05-2013, 02:40 PM
  # 20 (permalink)  
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 4
This was easier than I thought. The ambulance arrived very shortly after my previous post and they took it very seriously. I still have some stickers on me from one of the tests, the ones they attach the wires to.

My heart was fine, my blood pressure too. I showed them what I had drunk and showed them the list of symptoms I listed here. They gave me some medication to help with the withdrawal.

They recommended I did not share details of this on forums, or participate on them at all. Well, at least I won't be sharing details of my treatment. The danger would be that people would expect the same treatment since everyone is different.

There's a plan, which I can't go into detail on. But in general, I have been told to sleep the current drunk off. They were surprisingly not even opposed to me finishing what I have left. It's a lot but not enough to cause immediate problems apparently.

The drug they gave me should diminish the withdrawal symptoms significantly to an acceptable level. I have gotten a couple more pills from them which should keep me stable.

They want me to take them and come in for an appointment the day after tomorrow when I'm sobered up, well-rested and hopefully DT free thanks to the medication. From there on we will see how to take care of it all.

It wasn't life threatening, but in a more severe form it might have been.

And I could call again any time I felt something was going wrong.

So I'll follow their advice. They did strongly recommend I wouldn't post here again and I can see their point of view. I'll see what I'll do.

In any case, if you never hear from me again, it means I'm fine. I'm getting the help I need.

Many, many thanks to those who supported me here!
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