Old 01-19-2013, 10:34 AM
  # 21 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by JasonMarchelak View Post
I am only saying that after all my progress it would seem ashame to forget those days I was sober. Yet again though I will count this a new beginning listening to most of your opinions. I mean I hate counting and dates I just want to get on with life. I know alcohol will control it for me, but I won't give in next time, and I say next time is there gonna be a next time???? Who knows what my life will bring. But yes I will re-start, I think thats a right choice for me. I take in spirit with me what I learnt also last year and after the relapse, and rele dates are just dates they mean nothing.
I don't think being honest with yourself and others about the fact that you've just come off of a six day binge means that you "forget" or lose the sober time you had. Those are life experiences, and any time working on yourself and your sobriety will add into your growth. You say that "dates are just dates they mean nothing", but it sounds like it actually matters a lot to you. You are fighting pretty hard to convince us (yourself?) that this was just a mistake and that it will never happen again, and therefore you should keep your original date. That this time it's different. I hope with all my heart that's the case for you.

If the semantics are getting to you, maybe you could say something like, "I had my last drink on _____". Or, "I've been working on my sobriety since _____ and had my last drink on _______." Or, "I've been sober with 1 'slip' on ______ since _____". You don't want to give people, especially newcomers (if your recovery includes a program or meeting of some sort) the impression that sobriety includes 6 day binges. But as you've pointed out, the point is that you are committed to and working on your sobriety now. Don't let this issue interfere with that! Dust yourself off, pick yourself up, and move on.
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