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Old 11-19-2004, 02:49 PM
  # 18 (permalink)  
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: In my own world...
Posts: 444
I was thinking about the bf's lying today again. It won't get out of my head although I'm feeling better about things a little today. I was trying to think of a reason why he never seems to understand how bad it is and he doesn't believe he lies with the frequency that he does. It hit me this morning, could it be he honestly doesn't remember them? I then realized how hard it would be to keep track of them all in his head. I mean, there's probably a big tangle of them in there. I remember every single one almost to the date because it's like a knife in the heart every time he tells them but for him it means nothing. No more signifigant to him than saying hello to someone. So why would he remember? He probably IS completely oblivious and thinks he's done nothing wrong. It made me laugh, (not really funny though) since I was thinking it was like trying to train my cat not to scratch on the furniture. I give the cat hell and 5 min. later he forgets about it and does it again right in front of me. It means nothing either way. lol At least I got a laugh.
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