Thread: Final straw!
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Old 12-22-2012, 04:13 AM
  # 13 (permalink)  
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Earth... mostly
Posts: 43
As an adult child of an alcoholic, I drank because I learned early on that it was what you do. So I got into two marriages to alcoholics, and being older, I wanted to fight to save the second marriage. I knew that a lot of the anger and arguments in our marriage were fueled by us both drinking too much. I decided that I would quit drinking in order to be less argumentative and angry and also to set an example that is was possible to quit. That was seven years ago and I have not had a drink since. Unfortunately, my dream of being a good example was seen as being "holier-than-thou" and being "no-fun-anymore" but with each day it is easier to not drink. It is also harder to accept the alcoholic behavior affecting my life so negatively. I have to accept that I cannot change anyone but myself and I hope that I can be a better person in the future.
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