Old 12-11-2012, 12:55 PM
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Self recovered Self discovered
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A 'great share', as they say, IndaMiricale. I agree with you that a secure sobriety requires that we acknowledge that our desires, hopes, thoughts and dreams originate from and are maintained by different aspects of our personalities. Indeed, that is how we, as 'director' shape our lives, by feeding the 'good wolf' as opposed to its greedy, jealous, fearful and pleasure seeking partner.

You described very well a process for accepting that we have these harmful thoughts and desires. By recognizing them and acknowledging them, we are free then to ignore them and take any coercive power from them. Those thoughts are 'not ours', they belong to that alcoholic aspect and its voice. We can learn to recoil from that alcoholic voice, as from a hot flame, simply by recognizing its source.

That alcoholic voice is patient, and can sit and wait for that opportune moment, as you described. There is a way we can strip it of any camouflage and expose it whenever it starts up. We make a commitment to sobriety for good, unchangeable. By doing this, any thought of drinking ever again, or of doubt in our ability to stay sober, clearly can originate from only one aspect of us - our Alcoholic Voice.

A daily plan to stay sober is effective, but there is a whole new world of freedom there for the taking yours when that forever plan is made. You can never drink, and never change your mind, if you want to.
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