Old 12-07-2012, 11:35 AM
  # 6 (permalink)  
Join Date: Nov 2011
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Posts: 729

You have got to understand family court. If you ask for ANYTHING you should assume it is mutual. The difference is why the hell do you care? You are not going to fail the test so why the hell would you introduce the thought that you have anything to hide???

Family. Piet is not where you resolve feelings, that is therapy. Family court is where you get protection and it will always be mutual, if you ask for it then expect to be held to it and lose the pride and righteous indignation because it is not about you being insulted by having to do the same things a 'lesser' person who 'deserves it' had to do.

They want it mutual - say "you betcha, I'll do it as much as you like if that's what it takes to ensure that he had to remain sober around OUR babies"

Another hint - get off your high horse in court. If me saying that offends you then get over yourself - I'm trying to get your back up so that you will be pissed at ME instead of screwing yourself in court. Judges don't care about why you are pissed. If you sound sanctimonious they discount you. If you say "your honor, I am not here to badmouth my husband or embarass him, I just need to ensure that he stays sober with OUR children and I'm asking for your help". If you volunteer to undergo the same things you ask for it is almost a lock that you will get it, if you ask for him to be subjected to something but you are offended by the suggestion that you do the same the judge will think "vengeful bitch/*******" and not concerned patent.

Want to effectively attack him? Pull in the horns and start with "I believe he means well but I have some concerns". Instead of "listen to what this ******* did".

Judges have a HUGE criterium they rarely explain- they prefer to put the parent most likely to share and be respectful of the OTHER parent in charge. Your job is to appear reasonable and fair and willing to bend, it is not your job to be right and judges could give a damn about right.

Seriously, get off your high horse and lose the indignation and beg to do whatever you ask of him if you want to be taken seriously
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