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Old 11-17-2012, 07:14 AM
  # 10 (permalink)  
Member of SMART Recovery
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My feeling is that at least some of the behaviors people view as being caused by addiction are in fact caused by personality disorders, in particular antisocial personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder. These personality disorders very often co-occur with addictions.

Here is a cut and paste from a brief article I found on the internet explaining what I mean:

"Addiction can be a serious problem for any relationship to endure. It is easy to get into a mode as a partner of rescuing and shielding the addict form the consequences of his or her behaviors. Sometimes the addiction is the main issue, but there are also instances where an addiction can signal a larger problem. Personality disorders frequently involve compulsive behaviors, which can include addictions. Keeping in mind that using addicts can show behavior that may mimic personality disorders, here are 9 signs that your partner may have more going on than simple addiction, and may be afflicted with a personality disorder such as narcissism or sociopathy:

1. Lack of remorse of a true guilt response for doing something wrong. Lacking a conscience, a person with sociopathy is likely to be upset of caught, if he or she thinks faking a response will return you to his or her control. the true repentance for the act is lacking, and the sociopath may even feel entitled to harm others if they are weak enough to "set themselves up."

2. Lack of empathy for the emotional needs of others. Your partner may be incapable of placing him or herself into someone else's shoes and acts callously as a result.

3. A lack of proper behavioral controls. This can result in compulsive behaviors related to sexuality, drugs, and alcohol.

4. A tendency to act violently, such as fistfights or other explosive events.

5. A consistent irresponsibility is displayed, such as being unable to hold down a steady job, pay bills on time, or honor marital commitments.

6. Your partner might feel a grandiose sense of a self worth, exaggerating what he or she has accomplished, expecting others to offer excessive raise, and adopting a haughty attitude toward others.

7. Shallow emotions and a glib and superficial kind of charm. Your partner may be able to motivate people and con them, lie, or otherwise get what he or she wants, but true depth of emotion is lacking.

8. Idealized thinking, such as in relation to power, beauty, and love. Once the object of the idealization "falls from grace," it is quickly devalued and rejected completely as worthless.

9. A failure to conform to the normal rules and expectations of our society. Your partner may feel as if he or she is above the rules and does not have to obey them like everyone else.

Article Source: Addiction and Personality Disorders - 9 Signs of a Bigger Issue

There are two reasons I think it is important to keep this in mind when talking about the behavior of people with addictions and people who have recovered. First, most people with addictions, present or past, do NOT have personality disorders; it is inaccurate to assume that all of us share these traits. Second, understanding that there may be something more than addiction going on may help family members to understand that they are dealing with something larger and frankly much more difficult to address than addiction.
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