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Old 09-26-2012, 05:49 PM
  # 270 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Notheast US
Posts: 524
Hey Peeps.

I had a nice time meeting Erica. It was mutually beneficial. For me, who has been basically housebound for 2 months, it was very nice to get out and have an engaging conversation with someone. I really enjoyed it and hope we continue.

Stairs, good job on the BP. Heart health is probably one of the first concrete benefits of sobriety.

Love the pj stuff...I have a feeling we're going to get some mileage out of this. Steve, in the pj design contest, yours will be invisible!

HFA, the veggie juice thing is a very good one. Low in calories, high in vitamins and more fiber than fruit juice. I love virgin marys with a vegetable juice cocktail, even though I do need the calories.

Panacea and Grace...sounds like some fairly routine ho-hum days, which is entirely ok. Much better than drams days in my book.

NuWay, thanks for your caring and support.

I'm about a 5 or 6 on the scale of comfort with sobriety. I've had two wicked days in the last week with feeling completely out of it (derealization), plus I am dealing with both insomnia and crushing fatigue. With my doctor's appointment yesterday, the conversation centered on the most likely diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Both my PCP have thought this to be the case for a few years now; it is diagnosed through a process of exclusion. I meet the revised diagnostic critieria; she said they want the lp as extra evidence. I want a diagnosis now, as the decline over the last year, and even more, the last 5 months has been to the point that I am currently disabled. I want to start on medications to stem any further precipitous decline.

It will probably be at least a month before I know anything on that front...a few weeks to get the procedure scheduled and then the csf analysis takes a while.

Keep up the good work, especially using this board for support. Like Erica and I were discussing today, getting and staying sober is not going to be a walk in the park. The beast can raise its head at any time and we here to support each other through the good times and bad. I have the utmost respect to those who were brave enough to reach out to us for help.
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