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Old 08-15-2012, 08:52 AM
  # 202 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Los Angeles, California
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((((TPA)))) So sorry to hear about the bad news. I'm glad youre enjoying "Black Out" and hope you'll like the second volume as well. Connie Wills just rocks! she has some collections of short stories and another time travel to WW2 London titled " Firestorm" I think. About St Paul's cathedral during the Blitz. Just know I'm sending my best thoughts and love for you and Hazel. I think Hazels legacy of love and her mission is you. When she has to return to base, be her Job Well Done. Shine for her. I hope this makes sense, I know my philosophy is a little different but it's been shaped, I think, by the many experiences I've had.

I feel so blessed to have a Hen House full of lovely and loving folks. I keep you all in my thoughts daily. I am feeling a bit better. But then I've been sitting in a hotel room for two days with limited contact with other people. LOL I think I've decompressed a bit. did have a hilarious text exchange with one of my besties. She said something so outrageously funny and out of character, I nearly fell out! I'm not exactly sure what it means and can't repeat it in public but I very nearly fell out of my clogs!

seems the weather has settled a bit. my hotel room air con has two settings: arctic blast or off. LOL. be grateful in all things.

much love to all my hennies and roosters. oh, ((((TB))) Thanks for the video. I needed the giggles.

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