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Old 08-07-2012, 04:10 AM
  # 334 (permalink)  
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jhe.... contrary to popular belief, there was life before the internet Take the time to get to know your new self and truly enjoy what's around you. All those things we took for granted when we were drinking....

mj4m.... thanks for posting... time went by a lot faster when we were drinking... at least now we can remember the time that does go by.

blue... does take time for body to adjust... it will get better. Maybe try some stretches to help with the aches?? You may be also be suffering from a bit of anxiety... the whole weird fuzzy head -- not-quite there state. Just my 2.5 cents...

NFW... good for you declining the drink. It's just so wrong when people put it right in front of your nose.... worse when they put it right in front of your mouth

Sorry, guys, weird sense of humor today... On one hand I feel better... getting some inner stuff worked out -- usually through a lot of tears (I so hate to cry - even worse hate to weep uncontrollably - but tears really are cleansing)... so dealing with a lot of loss and a lot of grief, isn't going to go away overnight. It's a process. I'm sleeping ok... but my head feels like there's so my pressure inside.
I didn't get my coin last night - my sponsor forgot to bring it. Sooooo, now I have to go and meet her at another meeting tonight to get it... I think it's a conspiracy to get me to go to another meeting....

Dee..... I really can't figure out your avatar .. a boy on a patched up boat.... hmmmmmm. Have a good night...

Have a really terrific Tuesday everyone! This day is ours.
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