Old 08-03-2012, 10:23 PM
  # 90 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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Posts: 304
Dragon thanks again for this thread. @Carriondoll Thanks for your post. You are a strong person and I'm cheering, praying, everything for you. That's for everyone here. This is a tough situation. I am adamant about becoming clean without much unpleasantness, if possible. The book is out the window.
Quick summary. On pain pills, couldn't handle withdrawals got on suboxone. Repeat. I've had enough. Done gonezo. Big red underlining on that word, but you know what I'm talking about.

Through experience, I have found out for myself personally that low doses of subs are all that is necessary to relieve codone w/d's. I have also found that I no longer have any cravings at all for codones. A big plus. I get offers all the time and I can easily say. Thanks. but I longer need or take pain pill medication.

This has been with 1mg of sub for approx 6 months, with a slow no hurried taper.
They are for maintenance. Have been steadily dropping dosage. Currently have been dosing .25 mgs 5 days while at work and skip 2 days on the weekend. There has been some w/d effects through this process. The bathroom ordeals and for me muscle cramps.
I still have an appetite and can sleep, other than waking up with muscle cramps. Luckily those go away in about 1/2 hour.

Now this week I'm going to skip as many days as I can. I'm interested in day 4 especially.
See how this goes. Best to all. Slowly cut it back. Best to you all. Looking forward to reading your post. Thanks again dragon. I know I'm taking the floor on your thread as comment for the day. Have a good one.
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