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Old 07-23-2012, 03:03 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Santa Fe, NM
Posts: 160
The Fourth Stage Alcoholic.

I've done some research on this (internet) and by all accounts, my soon to be ex, is definitley smack in the middle of this nonsense. These are some of the signs and symptoms.

1. Finances out of control/and a mess. My ex had just lost a recently purchased home. My ex had been unemployed for roughly 5-6 months. My ex had drained all of her 3 bank accounts, and sold or given away 65% of her worldly possessions. My ex was paranoid that the finance company who financed her car had GPS on it, so when the time came, there was no hiding the car. As of now, her and the finance company own the car, she has clothes, shoes, a dresser, her kid's clothes and a few toys. Boxes of assorted junk and photos. This is after 23 years of working in the medical field and making damned good $$$.....most of it up her nose, or blown at the liquor store. Basically destitute, trying to figure out illegal ways to gain $$$.

2. Legal Messes. 2 seperate warrants for her arrest in 2 different counties. She is a bundle of nerves about police/hair is falling out in clumps and she is getting acne at 41 yrs old. Currently was on probation and ruined that, she is more paranoid that the court will view her as a habitual and give her over a year in the can. 3X ex felon, has a hard time getting hired now regardless of competency/experience.

3. Physical symptoms. The malnourishment from a lack of anything resembling a sound diet causes the stomach to extend, the muscles in the arms and legs have atrophied to bone, and again, the hair loss. Skin is clammy and pale. Eyes continually bloodshot. Tremors begin each AM. Bruises easily. Gastrointestinal problems are bad, daily am nausea, bad heartburn wayyy beyond a teaspoonful of baking soda in water like normal folks, probably some sort of ulcer in the stomach or esophagus from the daily intake of 8-12 drinks daily mon-thurs, more on the weekends. Drinking begins upon awakening at 11am and continues through the day sporadically until the nightly drinks at 5-6 until bedtime. Canno function without daily intake of alcohol. Needs incresaing amounts, and turns to vodka to supplement "buzz"

4. Mental Symptoms. Not thinking straight, decided to get married on a whim, hated it and wanted out a little over 2 weeks later, uses her 8 year old to blow in her vehicles breathalyzer so she can cruise buzzed, turns bitterly angry when highly intoxicated. Violent tendencies with the 8 year old, wants to beat him but cannot catch him inebriated. COMPLETE Lack of respect for any semblance of law and order, and despises police, judicial system, ect. Unjustifiable anger towards anyone questioning the drinking habits. Symptoms of major depressive disorder, and possibly borderline personality.

How any of you can stomach this for years, is beyond me, you have my astonished respect.
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