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Old 07-15-2012, 02:14 AM
  # 360 (permalink)  
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: London, England
Posts: 724
Day 42. And I'm back from London. And I wish I wasn't, but there's stuff I need to sort out before I head off for good in September. It looks like I've got my student loan, which is good. But...
Let's talk about London instead. I managed to get to a couple of meetings while I was down there, the format wasn't quite the same as I'm used to, but the people were friendly.
Unlike the scum who decided that our front door was a little lacking, and plastered it with ketchup and baked beans at 2.30 in the morning. They cracked the (reinforced) glass, and shoved a rubber... thing through the letterbox. Hopefully we'll be getting a new place soon, as there's barely room to swing a cat. It's small for one, and for two... it's really small. Too small.
Oh yes, and to the security ******* in (cheap shop) who watched me pay for my shopping and then tried to make out that I was trying to nick it... hope it made your sad life a little less pathetic.

Other than that, it was a good trip. Started moving my stuff down there. So much I'll have to leave behind, but that's ok. It's only stuff.

But life goes on. And things I thought would be different... aren't. Why should they be? I didn't drink because I was lonely, or stressed. Good days, bad days, they all ended in a y, and that was reason enough to drink.
And yet, I figured that when I was there I wouldn't want to drink.
Yes, stupid isn't it? When he told me about how, sometimes on Saturdays he'd be getting together with his mates for a 'Boys night out', the first thought in my head was 'Flat to myself... drinking time!' A few nights later, I found myself thinking about hiding places.

But yes, London was good. And most of the time, I was relaxed, calm, and happy.

Then I came back, and it all went a bit pear shaped. I've posted about it in another thread, and I'm feeling a bit less... ick right now. Not quite back on track, but getting there.

Love and hugs to you all. And may your higher power go with you.
And now I need to catch up on how you've all been while I've been away...
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