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Old 07-01-2012, 07:13 AM
  # 14 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Right here, right now
Posts: 306
Hey Everyone,

Ridiculously hot already this a.m.

Marine, glad to hear you are on the mend; am sorry to hear that not one of the ladies you went out with followed up with you afterwards. InParticular's words sprang to mind with a twist: ...This is a case of you growing beyond the friendship…" Clearly, they are not able to go beyond themselves at this point in their lives…. Doors close, new ones open, right? You sound good, so hang in and happy healing.

Inpartic, congratulations on eight months. Eight months! Cool beans. Have fun on your trip.

Tres, sounds like you are feeling better. Glad to hear that. Congratulations and cool beans to you on hitting eight months! Hoping to hear some puppy stories btw.

Darren, Bimm, and Dee, hope you are staying cool and comfortable wherever you are.

Went to a party at a friend's house yesterday afternoon. Drank water out of a wine glass all day and night and was f.i.n.e. Great assortments of wines, beers, and mixed drinks, but no Pelligrino or sparkling water in the house. Next time I'm bringing my own. One other person was drinking water and coffee. Really had a fun and relaxing time; actually allowed my mind a break from ruminating over recent disappointments. Felt good.

Off to the gym or, if I can stand the heat, the pool club to swim. Have been channeling my energies into working out…takes the edge off, elevates my mood, and has had a positive impact on my body.

Have a happy sober day today ninjas.
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