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Old 06-28-2012, 09:26 AM
  # 202 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Anchorage, AK
Posts: 391
Day 10 Results - Day 11 Morning

Good morning!!! Wow it feels good to get 27 over with sober. 4 straight days now. I'm very very excited this morning and getting ready to ultimately turn the leaf and live my life to the fullest. I know in the grand scheme of things it's just another day, but I'm very excited to be 28. It's like a brand new slate. I want to leave my room and enjoy the world again. Get back to volunteering, traveling, hanging out with friends, camping, etc.

Today will be fun because I'll be able to be with all my family to start this journey off!

Thank you for all the birthday wishes and support. I'm not going to lie, you will probably see me posting every day for the next 6-12 months documented 28 and making sure I'm staying on track to my goals and being held accountable for my actions. This process has been imperative to my progress. I do not want to slip back in to the perpetual cycle of nothingness. Picking up the weights is my motto for the next year!! No more escaping reality, no more running from the world... it's game time!

And I don't want to get too ahead of myself. Just gotta focus on the present... if I think about doing too much in the future I'll forget about what I'm supposed to be doing today!!

I was reading posts from you guys, and my past posts and realize that this is the time. If I drink tonight and give in on day one it will set a horrible precedent for the future. I plan on falling asleep sober, waking up sober, and knocking life out of the ball park!!

Day 1: 350mL SUCCESS!!! Total: 350mL
Day 2: 300mL SUCCESS!!! Total: 300mL
Day 3: 275mL SUCCESS!!! Total: 200mL
Day 4: 225mL SUCCESS!!! Total: 225mL
Day 5: 175mL SUCCESS!!! Total: 175mL
Day 6: 125mL FAIL!!! Total: 125mL / 1.25 bottle Chardonnay
Day 7: 50mL SUCCESS!!! Total: 0mL
Day 8: 0mL SUCCESS!!! Total: 0mL
Day 9: 200mL SUCCESS!!! Total: 0mL
Day 10: 0mL SUCCESS!!! Total: 0mL
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