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Old 06-28-2012, 04:14 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2011
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Posts: 306
Hey Everyone

Fun to see that we have a "Page Six"…good for us.

Struggling this week…not with sobriety, but with a loss of what I considered a close and dear friendship. The same friend I have had issues with all year.

In addition to the rampant inconsistencies, most disturbing is that my "dearest friend" has made it clear that they can't really be friends with me if I am not drinking. I'm blown away by this, yet in other ways I keep thinking that maybe our time together is truly over; perhaps we have served whatever greater purpose we were meant to serve together. I guess.

This is an intelligent, mature, friend who is obviously showing me another side…and who clearly and disturbingly values alcohol more than our relationship. Don't want to dwell. Suffice to say I am grieving. Been reading articles on grief, trying to detach, take care of myself. But…I am sad and upset on a multitude of levels.

I understand about letting go and people being on their own life paths and all of that. Doesn't make it easier. For me, it is a significant loss & I am having a challenging time realizing that letting go is my only option. ((sigh))

Thanks for letting me vent.
Wishing you all a good, happy, and sober day.
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