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Old 05-30-2012, 04:14 PM
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Thunder Bay
Posts: 3
Originally Posted by anvilhead View Post

you SAY this is just platonic, but you are losing sleep and have created in your mind what his life SHOULD look like. at best tell him you hope he finds his way and enjoys a sober life. other than that.....not much you can do.
Yes I SAY it is platonic because I am here asking for help --- not here to lie and make up a story. This is very platonic and I am not going to get involved romantically with a crack addict who also takes heroin and robs for a living. I was in the UK last year and it didnt strike me to look him up. My involvement stems from a genuine helping-heart and that I have spent my education and life dedicated to helping others. I am ignorant though, on how I can be a more effective helper-person to an addict.

Losing sleep over someone who is emailing me in desperation is not a fault but rather a huge concern he is going to wind up dead. I was never affected like this before, in 6 years, until the other day when the mails started pouring in.

Thanks, I will step back and let him make his choices but I cannot be unfeeling to his plight.
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