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Old 04-30-2012, 08:39 PM
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Sapling and Mark,
I could not do it alone either. It took a lot of friends and many of them here.

Let me be clearer on the message I am carrying Sapling. It is simply that if one part of a recovery program does not work for you but the rest does then do it without that part and recover. Take from each a piece and make it a whole to become whole again if that is what works for you.

And to be honest I believe that is what most of us do.

I also don't think doing the whole program of any program is bad if it works for you. Recovery plans are essential but that does not have to include or exclude formal programs like AA and AVRT.

But folks need to get real about doing everything including full disclosure with your Doc and local support.

Sapling, if you think that was tough think again. I also had the head shrink at the local VA tell me if I quit rehab I would never make it. They told me no one had. I went back a year later and calmly reminded the head of the program that I was the one they told that I would never make it. I wasn't doing it because of them either.

The message I carry is simply that one size only fits all of that size. There is nothing wrong with modifying a program if it makes it work better for you.

I liked AA because you can start slow and do as much or as little as you need. Rule 62.

R&A, I am not so sure it is allegorical, or not allegorical as claimed. Regardless, it is not for me, maybe another and glad for them, but not for me. I don't need a scapegoat, nor an excuse for my stupidity in getting myself addicted to alcohol. No devils or beasts, no angels and demons, no books to thump or be thumped by. Just a quiet space to be, and that being sober.
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