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Old 03-11-2012, 09:18 PM
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Originally Posted by mayalewiston View Post
Thanks again everyone. Today was really hard. I signed my lease, movers scheduled for Monday, etc... It is all set. I had a weak moment and called AH on my way to sign the papers, as I was honestly having second thought (WRONG, I know). When I first started speaking with him, he said that he thought it was a mistake, etc... then proceeded to tell me that "even if he fixed all of his issues, I would still have some things to work on - too emotional, controlling, etc." He keeps saying that I think I am perfect, etc. First of all, I do not think I am perfect but I do not know how to compare asking him about a banking issue to the continued lies, betrayal, and putting MY life in danger. How does one compare that to being frustrated that I said something to him about using the wrong debit card? He then went on to tell me that he was thinking today how he wished the two of us could just go up the coast to Malibu or Santa Barbara and relax for a few days BUT the happy couple he is picturing in his mind just isn't us.... and he doesn't think it ever will be. It makes me CRAZY that he doesn't understand why we aren't "that couple." He honestly thinks we should just cruise up the coast after he has spent the last week in a hotel (because I finally kicked him out after telling him no more lies - only to catch him days later) and calling a hooker? He also says that I never make him feel good about himself... As I stupidly tried to give a rational explanation to the above, he abruptly ended the call with "having to go" and thinking that yes, I was making the right decision in getting the apartment and that it would be "healthy for us to separate." Can anyone else relate to this nonsense???
Hey there Maya,
I am 22 years old and my fiancé has been an alcoholic for a year. It started when we moved out together last February. I'd come home to him passed out in puddles of urine, completely incoherent and the kids running around alone

Mine also blames me, for example, if I cleaned more or had dinner ready every night he came in the door. You know what Maya, I don't FEEL like cooking or cleaning for someone who calls me "fat" and a "stupid *****." why should I? It's always something I am doing that makes him drink, according to him. He says when he needs to change it "has to be instant" but that I ignore all the things I need to change about my own self.
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